Sunday, April 7, 2013

Options & Ideas

I've recently been trying to think of a few options to pick from for my research project and I've come up with a little list to further look into. 

  • Western Music - specifically Chamber Music
  • Traditional Irish Music
  • Music within Capoeira
So far it's a pretty small list and I'd like to come up with a bit more but two I personally am very close with and would like to further look at for this project are Chamber Music & Trad. Irish Music. In chamber music I was interested in looking into concepts such as performance, power, internal hierarchies, the audience and performer relationship, meaning, language, emotion, culture status, and religion. I currently perform in a chamber ensemble or singers and have been a part of it for a few years now and I think it would be interesting having the knowledge/perspective of a performer to look in to the ensemble with a different kind of view, yet still able to use my performance knowledge. 

Traditional Irish Music is something I feel very passionate about and have personally always been interested in the stories behind different tunes, song, and dance. Currently studying Trad. Irish Music with a humanities background and performing a bit on the bodhrán and song, may make this an interesting experience and allow me to gain an different kind of insight into this music as well as grow as a performer. I would like to possibly look into the performer/audience relationship, performance setting, purpose behind the many types (tunes, song, dances), regionality, culture & class, emotion, religion, history (colonial ties and distribution), politics & nationalism, and identity. 

Music within Capoeira is an idea I had from originally looking at some photos of a Facebook of a friend of mine who practices capoeira. It's not something I know much about except that it is strongly tied to music, dance and Brazilian martial arts. So I thought it might be a good idea to look into that and learn a bit about something completely new. 

I've got some options now I've got to pick one or maybe think of another, and narrow down the many aspects available to study within that form of music. 

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