I also like to sing and am a bit obsessed with Irish songs and the stories behind them so maybe I'll learn a song that includes some bohdrán. I already know of a few that I like I just haven't learned to sing and play them together yet. A few I know of are I'm Here Because I'm Here, Madam I'm a Darlin and a version of Ramblin Irishman.
I have recordings of the first two by a performer named Mark Stone, and actually already have his album The Bohdrán that I've practiced with from time to time because he has tracks with solely different rhythms & patterns for different tune types.
The version of Ramblin Irishman that I have is actually by Rósín White. The ideal thing would be not to just learn this on my own but learn from someone else who plays. This way I can stay close to the Irish music tradition of oral transmission as well as their strong tradition of student-mentor of teachings. Then maybe I can get into a session and play sometime.
cool Ash, but bear in mind, there has to be an ethnography in here somewhere. What is it you are trying to find out about, who are you going to talk to to find out about it, etc. etc.